下雪了!!! 第一次在Leicester看到雪,感覺相當的奇妙。不過多虧了下雪,偷偷得到了多一天假期。但是今天早上都在睡覺中度過,相當的沒有收穫。
下午本來打算去完市中心印東西,剛好可以趕上晚上的法文課,但是沒想到衣服剛穿好,就接到消息說老師住在城外,因為下雪的關係所以沒辦法進城來幫我們上課。完了我真的很無緣見到這個老師說,因為上禮拜小瑋來找我所以我自動放假一天,不知道何時才能開始繼續法文課。現在法文整個爛到不行了,今天聽了一整天的french radio惡補,不過根本都是在聽音樂嘛... 完全沒長進。
下午出門外面下大雪,相當的誇張,路面也都是雪,回程路上都髒髒的,特別是火車站那邊。因為踩到水很噁心所以叫了一下,沒想到發出聲音張開嘴結果就吃到雪了... 好煩!! 我討厭下雪啦!! 我是個很現實的人,一點都沒想到下雪有浪漫的一面,只是想著下雪提東西很累,路面很滑,邊提東西邊撐傘好麻煩,還有我的外套不防水整身都溼答答。大概就一直想著這些東西一路很憂鬱的走回家。
so, when it was snowing, i felt unhappy. i decided to plan my trip in easter and watch some movies. sometimes i feel im living, but in meaningless way, just like people in old age, watch the time passed... haha. it must be a little old man live inside of me. some of my friends said that to me many times. i wish taiwanese passport can be more useful. i dont like to apply the visa whenever i want to travel. because i have to plan much earlier than the departure time. so i cannot just go whenever i want. that's the reason which makes me unhappy to.
tomorrow i still have studio time. again, discuss for another long period. sometimes i feel like in the course of english. it's hard to understand them all, especially when they combined chatting and disscussion together. i was totally confused. but i think im trying to be better. say something, say the thing you like and you dont like. just as angela encouraged me, i will try my best to do that. never give up before you do your best.