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Showing posts from November, 2011

The third book by Yusuke Ishida - 不去會死

Just finished my third book. I kept thinking something since last weekend. the motivation of what I am doing, the life experience led you becoming who you are, who you were, and who you will be. After the third book by Yusuke Ishida, a men who has traveled the world by bike, and the book is about his journey. I started understanding a very little bit. 剛剛看完第三本書,決定要從現在開始我的一百本書計畫。(也想看看自己能寫到第幾本) 想想跟我看完的第三本概念也蠻像的呢。 "現在就出發,看能夠走到哪裡吧!"原本計畫只有一年半的旅程,拖到三年,最後是七年才完成。如果真的要說七年的遊記寫成一本書,我想我也會很困擾吧!! 不知道為什麼,看著這本書總是一直想到我在倫敦的日本室友Hikaru。覺得他也有和這本書的作者一樣的感覺,性格堅毅,知道自己在做什麼,雖然偶爾也會迷惑,但是看了比自己更多世界的他,在你感到迷惘的時候卻能傾聽你的煩惱,讓你豁然明朗找到方向。偶爾也有對於未來夢想的某種浪漫,這時候你們又成了站在同一線上的戰友。一起幻想各自更好的生活和人生。 日本男生到了某個年紀就會這樣嗎?哈哈。 閱讀這本書,總是不自覺在某個地方停下來,忍不住熱淚盈框。非洲草原的一望無際,乾旱的沙漠,閃著藍光的森林,割開魚肚子汨汨湧出的鮮紅魚卵,橫斷山脈的峽灣,一片雪白的冰原,我好像也就在那裡面一樣。。。或是說,自己也好想啟程去那個地方。 好想去旅行。 書裡更讓人難忘的是旅程中遇到的人們,每一個與作者共同騎一段路的旅伴,每雙伸出援助的手,自己總是自然的接下別人的好意。直到最後領悟到,能夠一路走到這裡,是接受了多少人的幫助,這一切都不是理所當然,而是好運得到的善心,才能夠走到這個地方。 活著真好。 這本書看完蠻感動的,也很想再次啟程。 也想到自己再Frienze在明信片寫下的一句話:I have been gone so ...

weekend escape

I had a nice weekend with fantasy. made me feel like back to the old good time. people are the same, some new friends. lots of drinks and food, good music and great talks. of course. I felt comfortable when friends sit side by side. even though i knew so well that i am a bit far from them. you chose something, and you have preparation to lost something too. all you can do is keep going. or turn around back to where you were. sometimes i easily feel regret of some word/action i said/done after some occasion. for example, yesterday i met some old friends after the show, i should stay a bit longer to catch up with them but i didn't make it. because i do want to join the drink/party with other guys. seriously i should blame on that worst encore i ever had... but anyway. things just happened, you never know. even most of things went out into ways that totally out of my expectation. but in some way, which is good. i know myself better than before, find out more weakness of myself, which ...