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Never say never

Before I pour out the feeling for today, I'd better not to read any other article or blog and focus on my own writing. I had a great day today. had a BBQ with housemates and friends, and enjoyed the sunshine very much. I love the time spending with my housemates and friends. I always dreamed about this before I came to UK: have beer and BBQ in the garden, with friends from all over the world, sit on the grass, chat a lot in common language, music around, laugh as loud as we can. I made it right after i moved into the happy house. the atomsphere here is amazing! the time i stay in London is the best time ever in my life. Life here totally opened my mind and led me to another world i have never experienced before. Even I experienced some shit moment, but on the other hand, i had mostly happy moment indeed. I met a lot of people from different countries, I looked into another world via talking with them. Even I did not travel anywhere outside of UK since I live in London, but I feel that I travel more than my previous REAL travel.

Today, I had BBQ with my lovely housemates: Julie, Anne Laure, Courtney, Hikaru, Sarah, and friends Kate, Roman, Atonie & his girlfriend, Alexia, Teresa and Courtney's friend Christine. It's a shame that sly was not here. He is a good boy and cool guy. Even artist is more like geek sometimes but he is not, but actually he is a really funny kid. sorry, for me he is a kid even he is not that younger than me. Last time we discuss something about asian culture, I quite like his open attitude of new things.

I like to talk with people i like. I like Roman, he is really cool and guy and good drummer as well. And he said something always really inspired for me. he has that kind of charismatic to make people confortable in the conversation. I like Julie and Anne Laure too. Both of them are nice, i really appreciate them because i never been taken care of as a kid. my mum did it, but not after grown up. in the happy house, i feel like I am the youngest one, i can do anything i want, and say something really childish, and have fun with them or do some trick on each other.

I am thinking, when I go back, I definately miss here in London.
but it will be the same, i am in London, i miss Taiwan too.

Recently I realized something, and grew up a bit I believe. When I was young, I want to seize the whole world in my hands, and keen to everything in my desire. I do not understand the time to give up, and have not experience of compromising between reality and faith.

As we grew up, angles and sharpness from teenage have been modified, we are more or less experience socialization period. We are no more aggressive like the young.
what i want to say is, the older you are, the more you have to give up. but let's try to say in a positive way: you will understand what is in the priority. then you will find a way to keep you faith and earn a living as well. We will finally realize that we cannot own everything all times or lucky enough to get chance. but we still to be positive.

So, let's think the leaving is for good. And I cannot wait for any exciting chance to come over. Be prepared.


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