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I decided that the blog is going to be written in English, for language practice purpose.

Here comes the last day of working day in a week again. This week summerized as a week of nothing get but free of the mind. Even I dedicated all myself into watching movie, drama, and tv programme a lot, but it is not to say I was not thinking. I think about the future, the past, and the present, then I suddenly realized that there is no other time like this moment: I feel free in my mind. Even I am still doing nothing, but the feeling is better than nothing. I dont have anything, so I dont loose anything, which means I can use fully power to do any effort to whatever I want. And also I feel good because I have settled my mind. Not less and not much, just at the fair point.

I stopped saying annoying, even there are still a lot of things annoyed me. But from now on I will stay positive way of thinking to face any barriers in front of me.

Now I wear a old jeans, but in a fresh feeling. I am sitting on the floor, as usual, using laptop on my crossed legs, like wherever I have stayed before: in Taipei, in Beijing, in Leicester, and in London, too. I am still who I am, but a bit different than before. Those things which gave me inspiration and energy to look freshly of this world, I won't forget anymore.


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