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終於快要結束我們的module 4了
感覺好像快要畢業了 雖然其實應該是還有好一陣子
至少在論文完成之前不能死啊!!!! (什麼死亂講@@)

希望實習快點有好消息 不然心裡真是不上不下的啊!

i talked to 小捲 last night, she attended a conference that Jun suggested her to. it sounded so interesting, lot of interesting people and she also saw Manray Hsu there. she told me that they were the only two taiwanese in the conference. sometimes i miss the time i was in taipei, but at the same time, i feel im still nobody in thatworld. im only an art related student. it means nothing. so i feel so depressed. because they all are famous people and also have very good ability on working. i dont know when can i reach that level, but the only thing i can do is working harder and harder. nothing else. Brother told me that i shouldnt be a good student, i should be
more creative person. i will try to, but it seems not easy for me.

i applied a placement in New York. hope good news comes earlier. in my opinion, i prefer to work in America because i think it is a world of fasion idea and fabulous art works. everything could happened in America. maybe it's only my American dream. you know, everyone has an American dream in their mind. for the old thinking people.

but, whatever, the most beatiful place always is hometown. after travelling to many places, i still think Taiwan is the best country in the world. nice people, nice food, nice nature environmen, and also the family still there. as one of my friends said: "the place where your heart in."

OH!!! i miss my lovely taiwan so much :'(


metomeform20 said…

We all want to be somebody like people who are on the stage right now. In fact, I think one day we will reach our goals. It is not necessary to stand on the stage but really do something benifit to this society then I think that is enough!

I am also struggling for the know that...this is life and so inevitable.

Lets believe we can do that! And tell ourselves it takes time:)

by the way JY recommanded me the comtemporary space not the conference! ha... I love exhibitions in Witte de With very much. Next time if you are in NL, I will bring you there:)

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