不知不覺來到了二月。 這週最大的突破就是去打羽毛球。 雖然星期五晚上也蠻晚睡的 但是週六還是相當熱血的早起出門去打羽毛球~ 運動果然是會讓人開心的一件事:) 流汗的感覺真好~~ 從今以後星期六要是打球日!!!! 今天晚上煮了泰式咖哩 非常猛的加了一整罐椰奶下去 因為發現之前用那罐壞掉 反正我也好像才半年才會想吃一次 乾脆一次把它用掉 而且也狠狠的用了一整大包的磨菇~ 相當的滿意!!!! it was snowing heavily in this afternoon. the first time i saw snow in Leicester. i like watching snowing, but i dont like cold weather. sometimes i recall the past time, i still rememer that everytime you mention about i cannot stand for the cold winter and freeze wind. even after i live here, a colder place than taiwan, when you call me from far away, you still talk about this old thing. i dont know how to react for that, "i got used to it now" or "i will try to take care of myself" something like that. i just dont know how to say anything to fill up the distance. because it's so far. sometimes i feel im not talk to you or anyone in real. i just talk to the mobile phone itself. someone just made a record of the people's sounds. im glad you still remember that. but ...
搬了再告訴你喔 ^^
今天劉易蟬個展開幕 在鍾雨桐的北風藝廊唷
白 義權 艾迪 新雅(不知有沒有寫錯)都有去~~~
很久沒看到大家 聽劉易蟬說魔走了 石立偉也走了
哇 我看到你去小沈婚禮那篇了
我也莫名地感動 真是太好了呢~~~