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Showing posts from October, 2012

[電影] To Rome With Love

How can we not to love Woody Allen? Even his film is not as good as his old ones, but you will still so attracted by his funny and wisdom blather. That's the problem! On the weekly French class on this Wednesday, I gave an answer of Woody Allen's latest movie on what's new question. (I have to date back to my notebook to see how to say in English...) the teacher B said he has watched all film of Woody Allen, except this one because he has heard many French movie critics To Rome With Love. People said, this one wasn't as good as before. I didn't watch many Woody Allen's work, so I might not easy to make judgement. But seriously, I am quite surprised about those "Woody's" actors and actresses' performance, especially Ellen Paige acts very bitchy but amazingly good here compare to her acting in Juno. (Well, in Juno is good too! But I am more admire people who take risk!)Of course Penelope Cruz is as good as she were in Woody's. And s...


好久沒有說說最近。 I feel I have lost the ability of communicating with language. 越來越難用語言來溝通。 好 像連話都不會說了。不得不強迫自己用文字記錄當下,彷彿不這麼做的話,那些生活中的體悟就會隨著處理日常事務的上班族生活一閃而逝,消失地無影無蹤。 曾經生活在倫敦的那種自由,已經離我好遠。 感嘆的不是倫敦,而是曾經有的自由和狀態。 工作也沒有做的很好,只是似乎已經到了極限,需要休息。 在這樣不上不下的狀態之下,也不能像以前一樣專心做很多事,連一件事都不能好好做好了。 我想在冬天的時候去滑雪。痛快地運動,也許會改善吧? 還累積了很多書沒看,語言也沒好好念,應該減少浪費時間的活動,比如,只關注某些重要的朋友,把握我自己可以把握的,沉澱自己,不然很多腦袋裡的東西都流出去了... 今天看了一個志工的履歷有感,很久也沒像和朋友打打屁那樣寫blog,本來就不是嚴肅的心情。誰說寫網誌不是多少有些自溺?

[表演] 雙黃線

最近看了好多表演。不過這部「雙黃線」最值得推薦。 黃翊的身體像是奇妙的新物質,雖然自己說僵硬但是一點也不;胡鑑的動作剛好跟黃翊變成一種對比,一種介質,一種感染力;最驚艷的就是超級厲害的越裔法籍編曲家孫仕安,剛好成為兩條平行線中的氛圍,使他們化為最自然的存在。越晚看的人越是有福,越到後來他們越敢“玩”,讓孫仕安的即時編曲 / 演奏成為一點也不奇怪的即興曲。 不得不說,難怪林懷民會說黃翊是可怕的孩子。他的爆發力,不得不讓你起雞皮疙瘩。 好吧,我不得不說,是也有被胡鑑給吸引。 但是聽聽下面這個影片,就是讓我看完表演後在家連續聽了好幾遍的配樂。 簡單,但是卻最純粹。