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ahhh... i see.

hmmm... it's been a long time writing something in English last time. if i dont push myself doing so, i think i will forget this language eventually.

ok, maybe i just want to say something like daily routine in different way, but i dont know how.
then i chose a boring way: in a language i am getting unfamiliar to (when i did feel familiar about this alien language? hell.)

i was planning to ride a bike to the office tomorrow, if the weather is nice. but now, i am still awake because i cannot fall asleep due to unfinish of the artists' research. i think it wont be nice weather tomorrow, when i get up in the morning, trust me it must be really hard for me to get up because i an still awake in 3 am. the weather have to be really bad no matter what, and i will end up taking bus to the office.

another topic.
i was doing artist research just then. it is really hard to find something useful and i almost feel that my eye balls gonna fall down from where they should be. or explode, something like that. i dont like to watch the computer for so long time (what am I doing now?). if there is some spare time in the near future, i would love to organize a escaping trip to somewhere without internet or computer. oh, in saying so, it just reminds me that i haven't been to Ali mountain as i planned to travel there on my own on my birthday. i should make this as a goal before this year end.

ok. to make in short. what just motivated me to write dairy is a thought came up while i was doing research. whenever doing research about the artists, i think about the value of art. i know there is no answer to this question, it is just like a debate between me and myself....

but one thing i know only, is, before those really outstanding and remarkable artists, i feel how tiny i am in this world.


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